What are healthcare professionals’ attitudes to artificial intelligence in hearing health?


BSA member Babatunde Oremulé from University of Manchester is inviting BSA members to participate in a research project investigating healthcare professionals’ attitudes towards artificial intelligence (AI) in ear and hearing health. As a practicing GP, audiologist, ENT specialist, ENT SAS grade doctor, or trainee in these fields, your experiences are crucial in understanding the factors that affect perception of AI in hearing health. This research is funded by Health Education England and will contribute towards the award of a doctoral research degree.

If you are interested, please copy the below link into your browser to complete the survey. 

(Take the Survey), it should take around 10-12 minutes to complete. You will only be required to participate once in the survey cycle before it closes. 

The Participant Information Sheet contains more detailed information about the study, details how you were selected and covers confidentiality safeguards.

Please note that by completing this survey you are providing consent to your data being used as part of this research project.

The survey closing date is – 30th April 2023

Please contact Babatunde Oremulé at babatunde.oremule@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk for more information or alternatively you may choose to send your comments, in an email, to bsa@thebsa.org.uk and we will forwards on your behalf.

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