Online Learning is one way in which we hope to fulfil our vision. After listening to members we have created a flexible and cost-effective way for you to stay up to date with the evidence and undertake your CPD. Log on at times that suit you, minimising the impact on when you take time out to learn.
Accessing BSA Online Learning
You must be a BSA member to access BSA Online Learning. If you are not currently a BSA member but would like to be then please click here.
We invite you to explore our new look online learning platform. Our hope is you find it easy to navigate and locate the learning you need. Each piece of learning has an associated short assessment to track your progress and generate a certificate of learning to support your continuing professional development. Each new member will be sent a username and a generic password, once their membership is approved by BSA Council and will be invited to start online learning.
All existing members can log in here.
An additional log in (your BSA user name and password) is required for this section given that it is hosted on the Talking Slides platform which also houses the material of other societies.
Please do get in touch if there is any learning you wish for us to provide to support you by emailing