How we develop guidance
The Professional Guidance Group (PGG) has overall responsibility for managing and reviewing BSA guidance documents, which are mainly produced by the Special Interest Groups (SIGs). Our documents aim to be rigorously evidence-based and clinically pragmatic. They go through a process of internal review, expert peer review and stakeholder (public) consultation before publication. The process is detailed in the Procedure for processing documents for recommended procedures and guidelines. We also seek to work with any other groups and organisations associated with audiology, to ensure that BSA guidance remains impactful and relevant.
We always welcome comments on our documents. If you have a comment, in the first instance please contact
The Professional Guidance Group
The PGG is made up professionals in audiology who are clinicians, academics or work in industry. PGG members represent all audiology specialisms and ensure that BSA guidance is of the highest possible quality and relevance. Like other BSA groups, our members’ efforts are voluntary on top of their full-time roles elsewhere.
PGG Members
- Les Keith (Co-Chair)
- Linor Jones (Co-Chair)
- Rosalyn Parker (Secretary)
- David Canning
- Julia Van Huyssteen
- Garreth Prendergast
- Robert Rendell
- Richard Windle
- Gemma Perfect
Conflict of Interest
All authors complete a declaration of interests form. The Chair of the Professional Guidance Group (PGG) and the Lead of the working/authorship group are responsible for scrutinising the declarations of interest to assess any conflicts of interest relating to the document to be produced. If the Chair of the PGG or the Lead of the working /authorship group has a potential conflict of interest, declarations will be scrutinised by the Vice-Chair of the PGG or other nominated PGG member not affected by a conflict of interest. In the event that a conflict of interest is identified which affects the role of the PGG Chair or Lead of the working group, they will be asked to withdraw from any involvement and alternatives without any conflict of interest agreed.
Translations Policy
On occasions people approach the PGG to translate the guidance we have. For access to our translations policy please click here British Society of Audiology Translations for Practice Guidance Policy