Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Special Interest Group

Who we are

The Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Special Interest Group (TH SIG)was established in 2015 and our steering group committee represents the NHS, private sector, education and research from a variety of professional disciplines that cover the diverse experiences of tinnitus and hyperacusis. 

Our Aims

The Tinnitus & Hyperacusis Special Interest Group (TH SIG) provides an opportunity for multi-disciplinary professionals within Audiology, Hearing and Balance Science in the United Kingdom (who are BSA members) to engage and work actively together progressing the field of tinnitus and hyperacusis. To achieve this, the Special Interest Group Steering Committee will act as the professional advisory body for the BSA Council on this area. 

The main objectives of this SIG are: 

  • To develop evidenced based assessment and management practice guidance for tinnitus and hyperacusis.
  • To raise the standards across the private and public sector in tinnitus and hyperacusis management.
  • To promote scientific meetings, relevant research and disseminate commentary on new studies and information relevant to the work of the group 
  • To promote tinnitus and hyperacusis awareness to the professional community, particularly at primary care level. 
  • To advise professionals of onwards referral options and signposting. 
  • To undertake a range of activities consistent with the BSA’s strategic aims and objectives 

Steering Group Members

Kathryn Fackrell, University of Nottingham, Chair, Communication liaison  

Magdalena Margol-Gromada, University College London Ear Institute 

Veronica Kennedy, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, Global/International liaison 

Magdalena Sereda, University of Nottingham, Research Liaison

Carol MacDonald, University of Nottingham, Online learning liaison 

Rachel Knappett, Cambridge Universities Hospital Trust, Secretary

Beverly Herne, Audiology private practice 

Alan Hopkirk, Audiology private practice 

Nic Wray, TinnitusUK

Nasir Rashid, Warwick Hospital

Kerry Mccormick, South Warwickshire University Foundation Trust

Current projects

The TH SIG has been actively working towards producing practice guidance and recommended procedures for tinnitus. We have successfully produced clinical practice guidelines for adults with tinnitus, clinical practice guidance for fitting combination hearing aids for tinnitus, and an update of Uncomfortable Loudness Levels Recommended Procedures. We are continuing to identify ways to improve and support clinical practice for tinnitus and now are turning our attention to assessment and management of hyperacusis. 

In particular our current projects involve:  

  • Developing up-to-date information leaflets for hyperacusis 
  • Producing a position statement on hyperacusis clinical practice  
  • Holding a workshop with clinicians/researchers interested in hyperacusis 
  • Developing training materials for tinnitus and hyperacusis 
  • Investigate current service provisions for tinnitus 



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  • Helping you stay up to date with advancements in audiology
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