Who we are
We are the newest SIG in the BSA and formed in Spring 2022. This group provides an opportunity for multi-disciplinary professionals to engage and work collaboratively together progressing the ever–expanding field of implantable and non-implantable Bone Conduction and Middle Ear Devices. The group has now completed its first year and continues to work hard on behalf of the BCMED members and the BSA.
Our Aims
As the technology of BC/ME devices has improved, interest in and potential candidacy for them, both implantable and non-implantable, has rapidly grown. Despite this increased relevance there is no guidance available and no professional group working on development. As a group we aim to develop guidelines to provide consistency in the profession for:
- BC/ME Referral
- BC/ME Assessment
- BC/ME Management
Steering Group Members
- Marsha Jenkins (Chair) – Paediatric BCI/MEI Lead, St Thomas’ Hearing Implant Centre
- Abi Asher – Paediatric BCI/MEI Lead, Emmeline Hearing Implant Team, Cambridge
- Wayne Ellis – Paediatric BCI/MEI Lead, University College London Hospital, London
- Joceyln Pawson – BCI/MEI Lead, Nottingham Audiology Service
- Roulla Kaitri (Secretary) – Joint Lead in Vestibular Sciences, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
- Andrew Soulby – Adult CI/BCI/MEI Lead/Principal Researcher, St Thomas’ Hearing Implant Centre, London
- Heidi Williams – CI/BCI/MEI Lead, North Wales Auditory Implant Service
- Manuel Loureiro (Vice-Chair) – Head of Department, Adult BCI/MEI Lead, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust
- They bring a range of knowledge, experience and all-important enthusiasm and have dived head-first into the main goal.
Current projects
Our first goal was to look at current practice within the UK. The BCMED SIG conducted a national survey which highlighted the diversity in current practice and the need for evidence based and consensus driven guidelines. The responses from the survey in combination with review of current literature are being used to create a draft guidance document. Standardised and achievable guidance will improve consistency in referral, assessment process and clinical outcome monitoring. Educating Audiologists nationally will increase patient access to and appropriate care and support for use of these devices. Development of this guidance will also help to identify areas where further research may be needed and allow a starting point for collaboration with other professionals to maximise the use of this technology.
We were very excited to meet our BSA members and present at the BSA Scientific Meeting in June 2023. We are looking forward to devising the first guidance document for patients who could benefit from these devices and sharing it with you.