Survey – University of Cambridge – Audiologist’s Questionnaire


The University of Cambridge would like to invite you to participate in a survey via a group group of their researchers, who are preparing a case for commissioning hearing checks in residential special schools. They are interested in understanding the experiences of children, young people, their families, and their educators when seeking ear or hearing care and would be grateful if you could help them by completing a questionnaire for audiologists.

The estimated time to complete each questionnaire is 6-7 minutes. There are 14 questions in total. Your responses would help them to understand your needs and to identify what works and what needs to improve in the journey of children and young people and their families seeking ear or hearing care.

Please note that you consent to your data being used for this research project by completing this survey.

To participate, click here:

The closing date is Tuesday 23rd January 2024  

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the survey, please do not hesitate to contact Marina Salorio-Corbetto at or to and we will forwards on your behalf.

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