National School of Healthcare Science’s (NSHCS) next collaborative meeting will take place on Monday 27th March 2023 at The Birmingham Conference & Events Centre at the Holiday Inn, Hill Street, Birmingham, B5 4EW.
This collaborative event has been setup to enable collaboration between the healthcare science work-based training centres, the relevant Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) the professional bodies and the National School of Healthcare Science (NSHCS) thereby ensuring education and training within healthcare science is relevant and of high quality.
If you would like to attend the collaborative meeting, please register your attendance below and select your preferred workshops and roundtable discussions to attend in the afternoon.
For more information and to review the full agenda click below
The venue has a maximum capacity and your attendance will be confirmed by the National School Events Team.
Please note that The National School of Healthcare Science is not in a position to cover stakeholders travel expenses.