Chair's Update Spring 2013
Carried by the current or moving with purpose?
Since sharing my first Chairman s message (BSA: omnipotent or impotent?) with you, there has been one meeting of Council, the governing body of the Society. The Trustees and Council Advisors used the occasion to discuss the fresh direction of the Society. The resources of the Society are relatively small and this has the potential to stifle creativity and prevent successful execution of strategic plans. It is all too easy to become preoccupied with averting disasters and reducing decline: the ‘not on my watch’ syndrome. Whilst these are worthy causes, they can distract our attention and hinder strategic decision making.
Figure 1 shows an analogy I have adapted from Abraham Maslow’s well known, but not universally accepted, hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1943). What we ‘seek to avoid’ and what we ‘seek to achieve’ are at opposite ends of the pyramid. So, whilst acknowledging that resources are required to keep the foundations of the Society strong, there is unanimous agreement from Trustees, and Council Advisors, that we should concentrate on ‘making a difference’.