Chair's Update September 2021
Dear members,
I hope you are all well, have taken some time off over the summer, and are safely enjoying the greater freedoms the lifting of most COVID-19 restrictions has brought. For those in clinical setting the use of protective equipment has not changed, and as such the joint COVID-19 guidance is still valid, and we will be reviewing it as planned this month.
I’ve had various BSA related meetings since my last update including an initial get together with our three new trustees. In this we reviewed the BSA strategy, activities that require leadership, and the roles our new trustees will assume. Christine DePlacido will take charge of External Relations. She will therefore oversee how we work with other audiology bodies in the UK, and how we respond to NHS needs. Gabrielle Saunders is talking leadership of our International Profile. She will represent the BSA on the European Federation of Audiological Societies, and work to increase the profile of the BSA with international audiology research groups and associations. Ned Carter takes on the role of trustee for Global Outreach. He will oversee outreach activities to promote the BSA’s high standards of care, and support longer term, sustainable audiology services globally. A lot of exciting work ahead therefore I’m sure many of you will want to get involved in.
I very much look forward to seeing many of you in Sheffield at our upcoming BSA conference on October 6th.
As always, stay safe and well.