Chair's Update October 2020

Dear Members,

I hope you are all well in these continuing uncertain times. I also hope you made the most of this year’s BSA conference and enjoyed the array of talks, posters and exhibits on offer. Many thanks to all involved including our management Fitwise, Gemma Crundwell and the conference team, our sponsors Starkey and Signia, and all our exhibitors.

We’ve had a couple of changes on the BSA Council recently. First, we welcome Jane Wild as Trustee and Council Secretary. Jane has been an active member of the BSA for many years, and in recent years led the Adult Rehabilitation Interest Group, and been editor-in-chief of our membership magazine Audacity. We also welcome Kathryn Fackrell to the BSA Council as the new chair of the Tinnitus and Hyperacusis SIG. Kathryn is keen to recruit new members to the Tinnitus and Hyperacusis SIG so do get in touch with eh BSA office if you are interested.

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  • Helping you stay up to date with advancements in audiology
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