Chair's Update October 2012
British Society of Audiology: omnipotent or impotent?
I am privileged to be your new chairman. The duration of office from vice- to past-chairman is six years; however, my period of office as chairman lasts a mere two years. It is important to hit the road running or, adapting the words of author Nicholson Baker, ‘this could be a short stick with two ends and not much middle’ (Baker, 2012). Few of us have known a career in UK audiology, or cognate discipline, without the presence of the British Society of Audiology (BSA), now 45 years old. It pervades our daily lives. For many, BSA is a cornerstone of the profession/discipline (see later for examples of impact). At the other extreme, there is a perception by some non-members (perhaps shared by some members) that BSA has served its time and is largely ineffective. This is a timely opportunity, as incoming chairman, to discuss this polarised view of BSA: omnipotent or impotent?
Download the Chairman’s message Munro Oct 2012 FINAL