Chair's Update May 2021
Dear Members,
I hope you are all safe and well. COVID-19 restrictions are easing again this week and so I hope you all looking forward to the additional freedoms that will afford. The COVID-19 Audiology and Otology joint guidance will be updated on May 31st but considering the continued vaccine program, reducing infection rates, and the easing of government restrictions, we can now advise members to operate under the guidance specified as stage C. If there is anything in the guidance that you would like reconsidered or expanded on in the next update, please let me know.
Lots to update you on since last month. Firstly, well done to members of the Adult Rehabilitation Interest Group on their campaign on Facebook and Twitter over Deaf Awareness Week. This year’s theme was ‘Coming Through it Together’ and ARIG are doing some great collaborative work in this space. The true-life patient experiences we saw posted during the week really set the scene for what ARIG are working to overcome with long-term solutions. As fantastic as our services or environments might be, there is always room for doing even better and being vigilant to how we can be more Deaf aware.
We had four excellent application in response to the call for new BSA Trustees. So, it’s over to members to vote in to the two positions available. All members eligible to vote will have received an individualised email with full details. Please take the time to vote by the deadline, 25th May.
There are multiple new and updated BSA documents published in the last month including on hearing aid provision for patients with a programmable ventriculo-peritoneal shunt, assessment and rehabilitation for adults with learning disabilities, and aural care (earwax removal). Many thanks to all authors and members who contributed.
And finally, two reminders. This year’s AGM will be held online, June 25th at 11 am, so hold the date; details, joining instructions. And this year annual report will be sent to you nearer the time. Also hold in your diary the date for this year’s conference which will be held in Sheffield on 6th October.
As always, stay safe and well.