Chair's Update January 2021
A very Happy New Year to you all. Brexit has come and gone, and we start the year in another national lockdown and a pandemic that is heading for its biggest peak yet. But there is of course hope on the horizon as vaccines role out and new treatments are reducing the impact of COVID on many of those most sick. You will hopefully be keeping up with the BSA news feed for updates. A full update of the joint COVID guidance was published on 15th January 2021.
As we look to the year ahead there are of course many uncertainties about how we can work and travel. Conferencing in particular will need careful thought and we will update you in good time about what the BSA can offer this year. More certain for 2021, there will be new BSA online learning materials, new guidance documents, and opportunities to be involved in our excellent BSA special interest groups, and brand new special interest groups that will be formed this year. And for all our members already actively engaged or involved in BSA activities, why not consider 2021 the year to apply for your Fellowship of the BSA.
I hope 2021 has started well and continues well for you all.