Chair's Update February 2022

Dear Members,

I hope that this email finds you all well. January 2022 has flown by and Spring is definitely on the horizon!

Thank you to everyone that contributed to the recent survey regarding the BSA website, led by Nicci Campbell we will now review the responses and start to plan a specification and upgrade that best supports the requirements of our membership and the organisation, so please watch this space.

As Derek became immediate past chair in December and I stepped into the role of Chair, it has left a vacancy for a new Vice-chair and we are currently inviting applications. This role provides an excellent opportunity to develop a wider understanding of our portfolio of Special Interest Groups and the fantastic work they do. For example, two groups are currently developing patient focused information in their specialist areas and another project aims to snapshot information that feeds through to their content within the Online Learning. The Vice-chair also has the responsibility of leading the annual BSA awards which I found to be a particularly positive part of the role, recognising individuals for their great achievements, drive to improve the profession and innovation. In preparation for this year’s awards, Jane Wilde (Secretary) and I are already working on providing additional clarity and information to encourage more people to celebrate their achievements and be recognised by the BSA. If you’re pondering over your Vice-chair applications, please remember the deadline for applications is 28th February 2022 so please do get them in!

I would like to take the opportunity this month to thank the Vice-chair of the Professional Guidance Group, Sam Batty. Over the past 7 years Sam has worked tirelessly behind the scenes of the PGG keeping track of documentation and liaising with groups and authors. Thank you for all the time, effort and expertise that you have given to the BSA and we wish you a very happy retirement.

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  • Helping you stay up to date with advancements in audiology
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