Chair's Update December 2022

Dear members,

This time of the year is always busy as we ask all our BSA leads to help prepare our Annual Report. As a registered charity, we are required to submit a report outlining our activity, income and spending to the Charity Commission each year. This involves a considerable amount of co-ordination, and effort of those involved.

At the same time (and in preparation for next year’s report) we are also setting the BSA budget for 2024/25, identifying funding priorities and ensuring that work streams and projects have the resources they need. I would like to thank our Treasurer, Wendy Stevens who is central to both the annual report and budget setting. I would also like to thank all the SIG and Group leads who have had to supply stock takes and budgeting information over the past 8 weeks. With Wendy’s assistance my task is to now write the Society’s Annual Report which will be available for you all to read ahead of the AGM.

BSA Council keeps growing! We now have 14 active Trustees leading various work streams and with responsibilities in a wide range of areas. Priya Carling is settling in as Trustee for the PGG, working with Richard and PGG team, and Rosie Mayer has become our Heritage Lead. The deadline for applications for our new Vice Chair has now closed and we have started the process of reviewing the applications.

The next Council meeting takes place on 26th March where all Trustees will join our virtual meeting to discuss a number of internal matters including further planning for the Scientific Meeting on 17th and 18th June in Birmingham (don’t forget to book your place) and the nominations received for the BSA Awards 2023/24.  Thank you to everyone that has nominated, remember that we will accept nominations for the 2024/25 period from July onwards.

From an external perspective we continue to work with other organisations and professional bodies on matters such as the new Minimum Training Guidelines for Aural Care, which will be available for sector-wide consultation very shortly.

We recently received communication from the president of the BAA (thank you to Sam and her team) regarding BSA recommended procedure/practice guidance. We are reviewing their comments and suggestions as part of a wider project that is already underway and I hope to update you further on this next month.

Best wishes

Donna Corrigan, BSA Chair

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