Chair's Update April 2023
Dear Members,
I hope this month’s e-Update finds you well.
We recently advertised two brand new Trustee positions as we would like to put in place, two dedicated Trustees to support and shape our activity for students and early career professionals. Responses so far have been extremely positive, so thank you to all those who have asked for further information, applications closed on the 20th April 2023 and we shall be sending a voting link soon. It was during our strategy evaluation meeting in the Autumn last year that these roles were first suggested among many other great suggestions from our Advisors and Trustees on what priorities we might want to consider as we move towards our new strategy this year. The development of the new strategy is now underway and I will keep you updated on its progress.
March saw the first BSA Council meeting of 2023 which positively reported on the progress and achievements of all the groups and Trustee led workstreams. As always, there is a lot of ongoing activity around BSA documentation, with new documents being proposed by the The Bone Conduction & Middle Ear Devices SIG and Balance Interest Group while existing documents such as Calorics and the combined C and O Vemp guidance are undergoing review (to name just a couple!). Don’t forget to look at updates coming through from the Special Interest Groups that you have signed up to, for example the Cognition and Hearing Group now send quarterly updates to its members, so please do check your emails.
From a wider perspective, the National Audiology Review in Scotland is drawing to a close, with reports and recommendations currently being finalised, this information should be available soon.
Kind regards
Donna Corrigan
BSA Chair