Chair's Update April 2021
Dear Members,
I hope you are all safe and well, and that the latest changes to restrictions are allowing you to get back some of the things you have been missing over the last few months. It’s fantastic news that the UK vaccination programme is ahead of schedule and we remain on course of the roadmap out of lockdown.
I’d like to start my update by saying congratulations to Editor Jackie Young and her team on last month’s edition of Audacity. This was the first issue produced by the new editorial team and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I’d also like to update you on some decisions from last month’s Council meeting. Firstly, following a comprehensive review of our special interest groups we have moved to close the Global Outreach SIG. This group has been involved in some fantastic work over recent years, but there is a wider appetite amongst BSA groups for outreach and for BSA to have an even greater international presence. Part of the current BSA strategy therefore is to appoint new trustees who can take oversight and responsibility for planning and prioritising in these areas. You will have seen recent calls for potential trustees, and I hope we will be able to appoint to those positions at our next AGM.
This year’s AGM will be held online, June 25th at 11 am, so hold the date; details, joining instructions, and this year annual report will be sent to you nearer the time. Also hold in your diary the date for this year’s conference, 6th October. We are planning for a 1-day face-to-face event in Sheffield, with the expectation that social distancing and other restrictions are lifted in June and will not return. If things change, we will let you know.
As always, stay safe and well.