Calling all qualified Clinical Scientists and Audiologists who work in the Adults Cochlear Department in the UK


Alexandra Hatchett, BSA Member and MSc Rehabilitative Audiology student, from the School of Health Sciences at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, is looking for qualified audiology professionals (Clinical Scientists and Audiologists), who have access to Adults who have been unsuccessful in gaining cochlear implant in the UK to complete a survey.

The survey is a short 20-30-minute online survey.

The survey is being undertaken as part of a research project for Alexandra’s dissertation . The topic is – How do clinicians working in the UK Adult NHS Cochlear Departments support adult patients with severe to profound hearing loss, who are unsuccessful in gaining a cochlear implant.

Your participation is valuable, and the findings from this research could have an influence on management plans for future patients who do not fulfil the cochlear implant assessment but struggle with their hearing aids. These patients might benefit from support which is not currently available, thus improving their well-being.

If you are interested, please copy the below link into your browser to complete the survey.–in-the-uk

Please note that by completing this survey you are providing consent to your data being used as part of this research project.

The survey closing date is – 10th April 2023

Please contact Alexandra Hatchett for more information or alternatively you may choose to send your comments, in an email, to and we will forwards on your behalf.

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