Research Study/Interview – UCL Ear Institute Research Project- Audiologist’s experience of taking part in NIHR portfolio research 


Hei Yung Tang a BSA member and MSc Audiological Science with Clinical Practice student from the UCL Ear Institute requests your assistance.

Are you an audiologist with experience working on an National Institute of Health and Social Care Research (NIHR) audiology-related portfolio study? 

If so, they would like to interview you for a study conductive by UCL Ear Institute.

NIHR portfolio studies include studies like COACH, BEARS, FAMOUS, CAVA.

This project aims to explore the barriers and facilitators of taking part in research in the UK, specifically the experiences within the context of NIHR portfolio studies.

This project is part of an MSc project being conducted by the UCL Ear Institute, and it has been reviewed and approved by UCL Research Ethics Committee 18225/002  


Please click here for more information and to register your interest in this study.


Please note that you consent to your data being used for this research project by taking part in this study

The closing date is 30th August 2024.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the study, please do not hesitate to contact Hei Yung Tang at or to and we will forwards on your behalf.

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