Chair's Update November 2024

Dear members,

Welcome to this month’s BSA e update and I hope the love, company and laughter of those closest to you is keeping you warm through the winter.

The BSA engages with a wide range of organizations within the hearing sector and further afield.  This aligns well with the aims of the World Hearing Forum who have an external relations workstream.  We are keen to understand our members’ priorities around this.  Are there organisations that you would like to see the BSA working with?  Similarly, are there sectors that may benefit from working with the BSA?  Let us know what you think.

A primary area of focus for the BSA is supporting hearing research.  This e-update includes a link to an interesting opportunity offered by NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) stream which aims to support under-represented disciplines; that includes Audiology.  If research is something that you are currently doing, would like to do more of, or would like to start it would be worth considering this funding source and the BSA Research Development Group (RDG) would be pleased to discuss support with you.

It is worth noting that following a very successful pilot programme, commissioners have now been receiving guidance on the hearing checks in residential special schools.  Further information can be found here: .  We are delighted to see this development and if you would like to discuss this further please get in touch with me at

Best regards


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  • Helping you stay up to date with advancements in audiology
  • Stand out from the crowd