Chair's Update December 2024
Welcome to this month’s BSA e update. I want to thank all of our members for your work this year. BSA members are a joy to work with and I feel extremely fortunate to work in a such an engaged, innovative and hard working profession.
We are delighted to welcome Nilesh Parekh to the Council as our new Communications Trustee. It is exciting to hear his new perspectives on communications strategy for the BSA and we look forward to his work with us.
The BSA has been planning next year’s BSA meetings. This year instead of an annual conference we are focusing on small, highly focused events and plan our next society conference for 2026. Gemma Crundwell, our Conference Group Lead, provides further information later in this e update. Let us know if you have any thoughts on BSA events that you would like to see.
As we enjoy Audacity on multiple devices and formats there is also the option to translate Audacity into multiple languages using the speech bubble icon and depending on the device you are using, if Audacity is tricky to read, there is the option to download into a pdf version.
I hope you get the opportunity to take a break that your break is as restful as it can be.
Best regards